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Claims analytics

Milliman P&C AI Claims Solutions

Identify and manage high-cost P&C insurance claims with the power of AI and Milliman expertise.

Reduce the cost, complexity, and risk of P&C insurance claims

Our cloud-based solutions use data and AI across the claims lifecycle to help you intervene early, optimize litigation strategies, proactively identify overspend, and reserve more accurately. Choose the tools that meet your needs and add Milliman services to maximize value. Each solution is built by Milliman experts based on decades of experience and data.


Milliman Nodal

Predict the outcomes of claims as soon as they are reported for a daily view of long-tail risk. Nodal analyzes structured and unstructured data, such as adjuster notes, to predict high-risk claims early, helping insurers and self-insurers improve claims performance and reduce costs. Automate low-risk claims and enable skilled staff to focus on complex cases.


Milliman Datalytics-Defense

Analyze the performance of your legal partners with a second-generation e-billing tool powered by AI. Streamline invoice review, flag questionable line items, reduce costs, and discover best practices you can apply company wide.


Milliman AccuCase

Improve the accuracy of case reserves for long-tail claims by combining individual claim analysis with actuarial assumptions for better decision making.

Milliman Claims Consulting Services

Industry-leading expertise for complex claims issues

Milliman’s Casualty Claims & Underwriting practice is comprised of industry experts with decades of experience in claims, underwriting, actuarial, legal, and accounting issues. From in-depth technical assessments to strategic business consulting, we help you optimize claims outcomes and facilitate successful transactions. Our solutions include:

  • Due diligence – identifying claims and operational risk critical to making optimal transaction decisions
  • Increased efficiency – lowering costs through implementation of claims technology such as predictive modeling, identifying improvements in claims-handling practices, and providing solutions for closing complex and long-tailed claims
  • Increased accuracy – case reserving individual claims using industry expertise and Milliman’s unique reserving tool, AccuCase™. (an actuarially-accurate product for reserving long-tailed WC and Black Lung claims)
  • Savings – identifying leakage and expense control management

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

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