Timo Luehken
Dusseldorf, DE
Timo Luehken works as consulting actuary in the Düsseldorf office. He joined Milliman in July 2022.
His consulting experiences span the following core themes:
- Solvency II Capital requirements (Pillars 1&2)
- Solvency II Reporting (Pillar 3)
- Actuarial modelling & valuation
- Implementation of BSM extensions:
- Swap/Swaption & structured products
- Reinsurance solutions
- Risk management
- ORSA – process, scenario analysis, validation, reporting
- Pricing related topics: Life products, cost structure
- Data analysis and data science
Most recently, Timo worked on projects in life insurance:
- Pricing of life insurance products
- Cashflow projection of new business and integration into the business plan
- Implementation of risk management processes and management of the ORSA-process and reporting
Before Milliman, Timo worked 10 years for Sopra Steria on the following topics:
- Teamlead of an actuarial and reporting software tool
- Support and validation of the regular Solvency II reporting
- Modeling of stress tests and sensitivities
- Optimization/automatization of reporting processes, including BSM integration
Before that, Timo worked two years for Signal Iduna on:
- Cashflow modeling (PROPHET)
- Analysis and calculations of the INBV-model
- MCEV calculations
- Solvency II QIS-studies
Timo has extensive technical experience with:
- R
- C++
Professional Designations
- Actuary DAV
- Studies of Mathematics (Physics) at Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster
- Focus: Stochastic processes
- Degree: Diploma
- German Association of Actuaries (DAV)
- German Society for Insurance and Financial Mathematics (DGVFM)
Read their latest work
Auswirkungen des Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) auf deutsche Lebensversicherer
26 November 2024 - by Timo Luehken, Dr. Sven Wagner
In dem folgenden Artikel werden die Hauptanforderungen von DORA dargestellt, zur bestehenden Regulatorik in Deutschland in Bezug gesetzt und die wesentlichen Herausforderungen für die deutsche Lebensversicherungsunternehmen herausgearbeitet.
Understanding the impact of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) on German life insurers
26 November 2024 - by Timo Luehken, Dr. Sven Wagner
We review some key requirements of the Digital Operational Resilience Act in Germany, and summarise some implementation challenges.