Sarah Walker
London, UK
Sarah Walker is a consultant in the London Life Practice of Milliman.
Sarah has been with Milliman since 2021 and has over 10 years' experience as a consulting actuary.
- FIA, BSC in Mathematics
Read their latest work
CP12/23 – Review of Solvency II: Adapting to the UK insurance market
07 July 2023 - by Dilesh Patel, Florin Ginghina, Sarah Walker
We summarize the main takeaways from the key changes in CP12/23, the first set of proposed reforms to Solvency II in the UK.
Hot topics for life insurers
06 December 2021 - by Robert Bugg, Claire Booth, Neil Christy, Florin Ginghina, Amy Nicholson, Jen van der Ree, Sarah Walker
We review the U.K. life insurance market, from Solvency II to climate change, to developments in various business themes.
The PRA QIS Exercise: What does it cover and what will it mean for firms?
29 July 2021 - by Claire Booth, Neil Christy, Jessica Crowson, Lewis Duffy, Florin Ginghina, Ian Humphries, Stuart Reynolds, Sarah Walker, Sihong Zhu
While the PRA stresses QIS should not be viewed as policy proposals, firms should consider the impact the exercise could have on their balance sheets.