Michele Berrios
Michele is a healthcare consultant with the New York office of Milliman. She joined the firm in 2005.
Michele has provided consulting services to a wide range of clients, including Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), hospital systems, health plans, pharmaceutical companies, and other healthcare providers. She has worked on a variety of projects that include benchmarking population claims experience, analyzing costs and characteristics of specific disease states and cost/benefit evaluations for pharmaceutical manufacturers. She has worked extensively on the Medicare Bundled Payment for Care Improvement (BPCI) program as well as other accountable care programs such as MSSP. Michele has extensive experience in SAS, specifically to analyze large health claims databases such as Truven Health Analytics MarketScan® Research databases and CMS’ Standard Analytic Files (5%/100%), and perform statistical and predictive analytics. She also has experience working with other databases such as MEPS, BRFSS, NHANES and PRAMS. Prior to joining Milliman, Michele worked as a research analyst in the Household and Real Estate Finance section of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, DC.
Michele has co-authored Milliman research reports relating to Medicare’s BPCI and ACO programs as well as a report on regional cost variation among commercial payers.
- BS (summa cum laude), Applied Mathematical Economics, Oswego State University
- BS (summa cum laude), Applied Mathematics, Oswego State University