Stephen Koca
Stephen Koca is a principal and consulting actuary with the Los Angeles office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 2005.
Prior to joining Milliman, Stephen worked for a leading nationwide medical professional liability carrier.
Stephen specializes in medical professional liability. His primary areas of expertise include unpaid claim analyses and loss ratio projections for traditional insurers, risk retention groups, captives, and self-insureds in all property and casualty lines of business. His expertise also includes the evaluation of excess or reinsurance layers of loss and the evaluation of reinsurance contracts as well as pro-forma financial projections.
Stephen is active with the NAIC and frequently participates in calls and meetings relating to casualty actuarial issues with NAIC task forces. In addition, Stephen leads the American Academy of Actuaries update of its Practice Note for Statements of Actuarial Opinion on Property and Casualty Loss Reserves for 2022.
- “How will Assembly Bill 35 affect MICRA and non-economic damage caps in California?” Milliman Insight, May 13, 2022.
- “Analysis of Maryland’s Hospital Medical Liability Climate.” Publicly available report prepared for the state of Maryland, June 2021.
- “Considerations in premium refunds for Medical Professional Liability coverage stemming from the novel coronavirus pandemic.” Milliman P&C Perspectives, April 2020.
- “RRGs in a Future of Healthcare Without Health Insurance.” Presented at NRRA National Conference 2019.
- “Has Fortune Turned its Back on MPL Insurers?” Published in Inside Medical Liability, Fourth Quarter, 2017.
- “Actuarial Challenges: Building RRGs for New Industries without the Safety Net of Historical Data.” Presented at NRRA National Conference 2016.
- “A Difficult Choice.” Published in Inside Medical Liability, Third Quarter, 2016.
- “Undoing California’s MPL Tort Reform?” Published in Best’s Review, July 2014.
- “FASB Changes Affecting Healthcare Companies.” Published in the Milliman P&C Perspectives, October 2010.
- Fellow, Casualty Actuarial Society
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- BS, Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University
- American Academy of Actuaries, Casualty Practice Council
- American Academy of Actuaries, Committee on Property Liability Financial Reporting
- American Academy of Actuaries, Workers’ Compensation Subcommittee
- Southern California Casualty Actuarial Club, President (2012)