Kathryn Hunter
Kathryn Hunter is a consulting actuary. She joined Milliman in June 2001.
Kathryn’s expertise is in public sector pension plans and retiree medical plans (OPEB) sponsored by public, private, and multiemployer clients. She has been involved in all aspects of actuarial valuations, benefit calculations, benefit statement preparation, development of projection models, experience studies, and special projects for these plans.
Kathryn’s experience includes designing and programming interactive models for retiree medical and pension clients. Such models are used to forecast multi-year cost analysis under varying assumptions, project the effects of demographic changes to employee benefits plans, and present fund valuation results. Annually, Kathryn completes GASB accounting disclosure work for the State Compensation Insurance Fund of California (both GASB 67 and 75), and for the Florida Health Insurance Subsidy Program (GASB 67 and 68). Kathryn has also provided comprehensive analyses of the Florida Division of State Group Insurance retiree medical plan under GASB 45. For the Florida Retirement System pension plan, Kathryn's responsibilities include annual completion of the actuarial valuation for funding purposes, accounting disclosure work under GASB 67 and 68, special studies requested for legislative sessions, and experience studies conducted every five years. Kathryn is the lead consultant for the Salem Area Mass Transit District pension and OPEB plans and holds senior roles on the teams serving the Florida Retirement System, Utah Transit Authority, Bay Area Rapid Transit District, and the California State Compensation Insurance Fund. Kathryn additionally leads the retiree medical valuation work for a number of school districts, multiemployer trusts, and other entities.
Professional Designations
- Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
- Enrolled Actuary under ERISA
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics, (cum laude), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN