Nevada School Health Services Policy Evaluation
By Natalie Angel, Dennis Finnegan, Greg J. Herrle, Jeremy Hoffman, Amy Rohr, and Katherine Wentworth
01 August 2024
Nevada’s school-based Medicaid program, locally known as the School Health Services (SHS) program, is administered by the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP), a unit of the Department of Health and Human Services. The DHCFP recently commissioned Milliman to evaluate the current SHS program and to provide policy adjustment considerations that may help Nevada improve it. This report includes discussion of the following:
- Federal guidance on school-based Medicaid
- Nevada’s SHS program
- National landscape and analysis of selected states
- Review of stakeholder feedback
- Options for Nevada policy and program changes
This report was prepared for the Nevada Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
About the Author(s)
Katherine Wentworth
Nevada School Health Services Policy Evaluation
We share findings from our evaluation of Nevada’s school-based Medicaid program, outlining potential enhancements to help the state accomplish its policy goals.
Natalie Angel, Dennis Finnegan, Greg Herrle, Jeremy Hoffman, Amy Rohr, Katherine Wentworth