Milliman OPTIC
Milliman Online Projection Tool and Information Center
Projections at your fingertips for your multiemployer pension plan
Multiemployer plan complexity makes it tough to look ahead
As a plan trustee, decisions you make today affect the long-term health and stability of the pension plan. With many variables, a challenging investment climate, and extended time horizons, the future is often hazy.
Explore the financial future of your plan with an intuitive, web-based tool
Using Milliman’s Online Projection Tool and Information Center (OPTIC™), you can see the potential impact of critical decisions before you make them. OPTIC gives you a view of the long-term health of your pension plan through a modern, digital experience that’s easy to use and understand. By projecting assets and liabilities into the future through different scenarios, you gain insights into the plan’s funded status, zone status, withdrawal liability, and risk metrics.
OPTIC benefits
Gain insights
Review projections developed by your Milliman consultant, or create your own, to better understand how the pension plan may be impacted.
Fulfill fiduciary responsibility
Suggest or implement effective solutions based on up-to-date information.
Centralized documentation
Plan information is consolidated into one easy-to-access repository, including zone certifications, benefit improvement studies, funding projection reports, actuarial valuation reports, withdrawal liability reports, and more.
Access anytime
Find the information you need, whenever you need it—to prepare for meetings, answer participant questions, or prepare for collective bargaining. Explore your plan’s future through a secure web-based interface on any device.
OPTIC features
Customizable projections
Model different scenarios for investment returns, covered hours, and contribution levels. Use for planning purposes, or to answer questions before and during trustee meetings.
Real-time updates
Obtain updated estimates of your plan’s funded percentage, zone status, and outlook throughout the year to improve management in a volatile environment.
Collaboration with your Milliman actuary
Access centralized documents and information, including scenarios and models provided by your actuarial consultant.
Model your plan’s future
OPTIC consists of a powerful modeling tool and an information center that places complete documentation at your fingertips.
Review projections
Key plan assumptions and metrics provide insight for planning ahead.
Compare multiple scenarios at once
Answer complex "what if?" questions about future pension plan obligations with virtually unlimited scenario projection.
Access information
Review materials from past meetings, prepare for future ones, or get ready for collective bargaining.
Milliman multiemployer plan insight
Products related to FutureCost
Pension Performance Dashboard
A complete solution for analysing unpaid claims liabilities, combining our industry-leading stochastic modelling tools with a robust suite of deterministic reserving tools.
Milliman Daily Pension Tracker
The Milliman Daily Pension Tracker provides an accurate diagnosis of pension plans daily, allowing for plan sponsors to make prompt investment decisions to de-risk pension liability.
GASBhelp™ is an online tool that provides an accurate, low-cost method of valuing non-pension post-employment benefits for organizations that are required to comply with GASB 74 or 75 and that have fewer than 100 plan members.
Services related to OPTIC
Servicios multipatronales
Aborde los problemas planteados por los cambios demográficos, el aumento de las demandas normativas y el aumento constante de los costos.
Consultoría en beneficios definidos
Cumpla los objetivos de financiación frente a los cambios constantes con un equipo dedicado de actuarios, expertos en cumplimiento normativo y especialistas en diseño de planes.
Servicios de contribuciones definidas
Agregue una experiencia inigualable para facilitar el éxito de su plan de contribuciones definidas. Nuestros servicios incluyen diseño de planes, mantenimiento de registros, cumplimiento normativo y comunicación.
Beneficios de salud y bienestar
Reduzca la complejidad para asegurarse de que su fondo de salud y bienestar brinde los beneficios más eficientes y efectivos posibles. Nos basamos en la experiencia de los proveedores de salud, farmacia, cobertura por exceso de pérdidas y atención médica a fin de ofrecer excelencia.
Diseños de planes alternativos
La innovación puede ayudar a que los planes multipatronales fortalezcan la viabilidad a largo plazo y, al mismo tiempo, brinden beneficios para toda la vida. Para los fiduciarios que desean realizar un cambio, identificamos las características más importantes para el plan y sus afiliados, y también sugerimos enfoques en función de nuestros conocimientos sobre las opciones de diseño de planes basado en datos.