Competitive Analysis
Milliman MACVAT
Comprehensive insight into the Medicare Advantage market in a flexible, easy-to-use format.
Standing out in a crowded Medicare Advantage market
Understanding how each MA plan measures up to competitor offerings is essential to success. These insights are useful beyond the actuarial department, serving the needs of executives, product managers, finance, brokers, and investors. However, gathering this information for current and past years is time-consuming—and the data alone does not provide an objective basis for comparison.
Instant, intuitive comparisons of MA plan value
Milliman MACVAT provides succinct, user-friendly comparisons based on our unique value added metric. Objective, easy-to-understand results help you build a sound product strategy. See enrollment paired with value added, premium, star rating, and benefits to understand market movement quickly and easily. Empower your team to focus on analysis and action rather than gathering data. MACVAT is used by insurers whose members represent more than 80% of the Medicare Advantage market.
Benefits of Milliman MACVAT
Compare plan value easily
Users can filter results, see new comparisons instantly, and view results both numerically and graphically. Value added is expressed on a per member, per month basis for easy understanding and discussion.
Drill into your market
Our proprietary and unique measurement of value added reflects the unique cost structures of each county offering MA in the United States, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The tool also includes premiums, star ratings, benefit information, and enrollment by county and in total for current and past years.
Analyze the full range of benefits
Easily view nearly every MA-PD benefit and better understand the value contribution of each plan’s MA-PD benefit design for the last five years.
Create powerful visualizations
Bring data to life using the business intelligence functionality of the web-based Milliman MACVAT Dashboard. Powerful visualizations driven by Microsoft’s PowerBI interface will enhance understanding of the market and plan offerings.
Features of Milliman MACVAT
Increased value
MACVAT automates the gathering of plan details so your team can spend their time providing additional value to your organization.
The standardized value added metric helps users more easily compare plans within service areas and across multiple years.
Get accurate, actionable information quickly to drive key decisions.
Ease of access
Use Milliman MACVAT as an Excel spreadsheet or through the web-based Milliman MACVAT Dashboard.
The value added metric includes all major benefit categories to better compare plan offerings and is the most comprehensive evaluation of benefit value in the MA market.
Wealth of data
The Milliman MACVAT displays nearly all of the benefits offered within the MA landscape for in and out-of-network benefit designs, including Part D, SSBCI, and optional supplemental benefits.
Bring MA data to life with the Milliman MACVAT
Understand plan value, including premium impact
In this example, Plan 2 charges the same premium as Plan 1, but its benefits are richer, leading to a higher overall value added. Plan 3 has the richest benefits, but also charges a higher premium, leading to an overall lower value added than both Plan 1 and Plan 2.
Better understand the relationship between value added and enrollment
Review market trends over the last five years, drilling down to the desired level of review.
- Enrollment (including crosswalks)
- Star rating
- Member premium
- Value added
- Benefit detail
In this example, Plan 4 may not have the highest value added, but it does attract the most membership in this market.
Milliman MACVAT insight
The Milliman MACVAT supports numerous analyses performed by Milliman experts.
Companion tools
Milliman Yearly Benefit Tool (Milliman YBT)
The Milliman YBT tool is driven by Excel’s built-in pivot table functionality, which provides a high-level summary average of the value added components and various benefit cost sharing amounts for the last five years. Year-over-year changes are calculated off the displayed results.
Milliman Medicare Advantage Average Relative Member Savings Tool (Milliman MA-ARMS)
The Milliman MA-ARMS tool provides the same summary of benefits as the original MACVAT, but the value added portion is calculated based upon a single set of cost and use metrics.
Milliman High and Low MACVAT (Milliman High / Low)
The Milliman High/Low tool suite creates two different value added metrics where the high cost is meant to reflect the value add of members who use more care and low cost is meant to reflect value for low or non-utilizers. Similar to the MA-ARMS tool, it provides the same summary of benefits as the original MACVAT, but the value added portion is calculated based on high utilizers and low/no utilizers, respectively.
Services related to Milliman MACVAT
Consultoría actuarial: Atención médica
Controle la complejidad de la estimación del riesgo financiero por atención médica con la empresa de servicios actuariales que lidera en el sector.
Desarrollo de licitaciones, examen preliminar de la información y apoyo para auditorías
Concéntrese en tomar decisiones empresariales sólidas con ayuda en todos los aspectos de las licitaciones de los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS), desde la presentación hasta el examen preliminar de la información y la auditoría.
Planes Medicare Advantage (Parte C)
Acceda a servicios integrales para los planes Medicare Advantage, apoyo en la fijación de precios para grupos de empleadores, análisis de viabilidad, validación de pagos y mucho más.
Medicare Parte D
Facilite el desarrollo de tarifas, asegure la viabilidad, implemente estrategias de comunicaciones y mucho más con la experiencia específica en la Parte D.