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No one wants to go back to work at 75.

Rising interest rates, soaring inflation, longevity risk, and market volatility are just some of the forces threatening to undermine the retirement of millions of people worldwide.

With so much at stake, Milliman is committed to developing innovative solutions that help people retire with confidence.

As visions of retirement have changed, so have retirement plans.

Retirement plans today are as almost as diverse as the workforces they support. Our innovative retirement and benefits solutions are powered by cutting-edge ALM modelling, performance monitoring, plan administration, and asset protection capabilities.

Our experts can help you navigate your options, mitigate your liabilities, and develop flexible, comprehensive approaches to addressing your most complex retirement challenges.


It’s not a crisis if you see it coming.

The challenges of global retirement

A retirement plan that actually lets you retire

See how the Milliman Sustainable Income Plan is revolutionising retirement.


Regulatory updates: Staying compliant, keeping ahead

A constantly changing regulatory climate for retirement plans of all kinds can make it difficult to set a strategy, stick to it, and maintain long-term compliance.

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Milliman retirement & benefits products

Pension plan modeling and analytics
Pension modeling & analytics


Project pension assets and liabilities into the future to answer complex questions and make data-driven decisions.

IFRS readiness and GASB75 compliance
IFRS readiness and GASB75 compliance
GASB 75 compliance


Comply with GASB 75 requirements through easy-to-answer questions and step-by-step guidance.

ACA compliance and affordability
ACA compliance and affordability
ACA compliance & affordability

Healthcare Reform Dashboard

Give small and mid-size employers essential analysis needed for ensuring compliance and plan affordability under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Retirement asset allocation
Retirement asset allocation
Retirement asset allocation


Deploy an age-based asset allocation strategy for the core funds held within a defined contribution plan.

Healthcare analytics
Healthcare analytics
Healthcare analytics


Adopt the healthcare industry’s leading platform for data warehousing and healthcare analytics.

Pension administration and communication
Pension administration and communication
Pension administration & communication

Milliman Actuarial Retirement Calculator (MARC)

Administer defined benefit and cash balance pension plans with one of the industry's leading retirement planning and communication tools.

Pension funding and FAS reporting tool
Pension funding and FAS reporting tool
Pension funding & FAS reporting

Pension Performance Dashboard

See how movements in capital markets affect your pension plan's financial status, with real-time updates on projected funded status, and FAS expense.

Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics


Assess the volatility embedded in pension plans, immediate annuities, and deferred annuities with longevity guarantees.


Milliman retirement & benefits services

Servicios de planes 401(k)/403(b)

Aproveche nuestras décadas de experiencia en beneficios para empleados y software personalizable, desarrollado específicamente para planes de jubilación.

Consultoría en planes de beneficios definidos

Cumpla sus metas y objetivos empresariales frente a mercados y normativas en constante cambio.

Consultoría en inversiones discrecionales

Desarrolle políticas y estrategias de inversión adecuadas con un proceso integrado a fin de ayudar a cumplir los objetivos de asignación de activos y financiación a largo plazo.

Asignación de activos

Logre retornos más constantes con asesoramiento imparcial basado en datos y adaptado a sus necesidades.

Administración de planes de contribuciones definidas

Navegue por el complicado laberinto de la administración de contribuciones definidas para proveer registros exactos, transparencia y cumplimiento normativo.

Servicios de planes congelados

Implemente un enfoque estratégico e integral para garantizar que se paguen los beneficios de los participantes mientras se reducen los costos.

Administración de planes de beneficios definidos

Maximice el valor de los beneficios de pensiones para los participantes con la ayuda de nuestras décadas de experiencia, herramientas de software flexibles y procesos disciplinados.

Consultoría en planes de contribuciones definidas

Logre el éxito con servicios integrales que incluyen diseño de planes, fusiones, integridad de datos y servicios de cumplimiento normativo.

Cumplimiento de la norma GASB75

Con la ayuda de expertos, adáptese a la mayor frecuencia de presentación de informes y a los detalles exigidos por las nuevas normativas.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

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