Scott D. Preppernau
Scott Preppernau is a principal and consulting actuary in the Portland, Oregon, office of Milliman. He joined the firm in January 2012.
Scott has over 15 years of experience in pension plan consulting and has worked with governmental and corporate plan sponsors to effectively manage their pension and retiree medical programs. As a consulting actuary, he assists clients with actuarial valuations, experience studies, liability and contribution projections, legislative impact analyses, plan administration, and financial reporting. Scott’s clients include large state and municipal retirement systems as well as private sector plan sponsors. In these roles, Scott frequently delivers public presentations to Retirement Boards, elected officials, and other stakeholders.
Scott’s recent projects include:
- Stochastic analysis of funding strategy alternatives and system dynamics for a large governmental retirement system
- Experience studies covering economic and demographic valuation assumptions for multiple governmental plans
- Stochastic modeling of alternative COLA policies for a municipal retirement system
- Plan design consulting for corporate plan sponsors, including analysis of risk-sharing variable benefit formula plans
- Consulting on risk-reduction strategies for a corporate plan sponsor of a frozen defined benefit plan Financial reporting under U.S. GAAP, international (IFRS), and governmental (GASB) accounting standards
In addition to regularly presenting for his own clients in both public venues and corporate environments, Scott is also an experienced presenter at conferences and continuing education seminars. Recent presentations have included:
- “Creative Strategies from State Plans” at 2021 National Institute on Retirement Security Annual Conference
- “Managing Retirement Risk” at 2018 Milliman client conference
- “Innovative Plan Design” at 2017 Mid-Sized Retirement & Healthcare Plan Management Conference
- “GASB 68 Panel” at 2016 Oregon Society of CPAs Governmental Accounting & Auditing Conference
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- Enrolled Actuary under ERISA
- BS, Mathematics, Linfield College
- BS, Economics, Linfield College