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Analysis of non-life insurers' Solvency and Financial Condition Reports: European and Polish non-life insurers - Year-end 2016

ByMarcin Krzykowski, and Jaroslaw Lech
23 April 2018
Solvency II went live on 1 January 2016 and introduced a number of new disclosure requirements for European insurers. Each insurer is now required to publish annually a Solvency and Financial Condition Report, including some Quantitative Reporting Templates. Our European analysis of the non-life market covers 140 companies from 11 countries, which together comprise more than €141 billion of gross written premium (GWP) and nearly €224 billion of gross technical provisions, and our Polish analysis is based on 14 solo companies pursuing non-life business in Poland, representing circa 89% of the GWP of the Polish non-life market in 2016.

Jaroslaw Lech

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