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Analysis of non-life insurers' Solvency and Financial Condition Reports: United Kingdom and Gibraltar non-life insurers: Year-end 2020

ByDerek Newton, Ian Penfold, and Marc Smillie
23 July 2021

In 2021, insurance and reinsurance undertakings across the European Union (EU) published their fifth annual set of Solvency and Financial Condition Reports (SFCRs). In this report, we summarise those SFCRs as they relate to non-life insurers regulated in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar, and set out the results of our analyses of the reports. This includes comparison of the 2020 year-end SFCRs with the year before. We first consider the solvency position of the market and the top-30 insurers by gross written premium, and then the components of the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR). We also analyse main Solvency II balance sheet items, and look at some underwriting key performance indicators.

Derek Newton

Marc Smillie

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