While increases in plan contributions and reductions in benefits factored into these plans funding improvement, stellar investment returns were the primary driver of gains for the MPFS plans. The estimated 2017 calendar year investment return for our simplified portfolio was nearly 16%—more than double the assumption of most plans. Critical plans, however, were unable to capitalize on the sturdy investment returns due to the cash flow demands that hit less healthy plans.
While healthier plans benefited from better than assumed investment earnings, critical plans are sinking in quicksand and not able to benefit enough from strong investment returns. It's been almost 10 years since the global financial crisis, and while healthier plans have gotten their funded status levels back to where they were then, critical plans have not.
Healthy plans have a funded ratio of 93%, compared with 90% a decade ago. Critical plans aggregate funded ratio as of year-end is mired at 60%, compared to 76% in 2008. A closer look at critical plans in the red or deep red zones show the contributions of mature plans (those with fewer active participants) are relatively small compared to the size of the plan's assets and liabilities. The shortfall for red zone and deep red zone plans is expected to grow unless these plans experience superior asset returns, increased contributions, and/or benefit reductions.

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