16 February 2022 - by Hervé Andrès, Alexandre Boumezoued, Grzegorz Darkiewicz, Rikiya Ino, Daren Lockwood, Fiona Ng, Russell Ward
16 February 2022 - by Hervé Andrès, Alexandre Boumezoued, Grzegorz Darkiewicz, Rikiya Ino, Daren Lockwood, Fiona Ng, Russell Ward
Challenges for companies in the alternative asset space include building an internal model and accounting for regulatory treatment for capital set aside.
06 November 2020 - by Georges Abbey, Alex Bryant, Clement Bonnet, Jessica Crowson, Grzegorz Darkiewicz, Paul Fulcher, Rikiya Ino, Ed Morgan, Freek Zandbergen, Sihong Zhu
This year’s asset liability management (ALM) Metrics Survey seeks to understand the current international practice in a variety of representative markets in terms of the approaches and the metrics used in ALM by global life insurers and discusses what might be considered best practices and how this might evolve in the future.
06 November 2020 - by Georges Abbey, Alex Bryant, Clement Bonnet, Jessica Crowson, Grzegorz Darkiewicz, Paul Fulcher, Rikiya Ino, Ed Morgan, Sihong Zhu
01 November 2009 - by Peter Boekel, Takanori Hoshino, Rikiya Ino, Craig Reynolds, Henny Verheugen, Lotte van Delft
01 November 2009 - by Peter Boekel, Takanori Hoshino, Rikiya Ino, Craig Reynolds, Henny Verheugen, Lotte van Delft
A new technique may make complex actuarial modeling more practical.
01 December 2008 - by Rikiya Ino, Wade Matterson, Sam Nandi, Peter H. Sun
The success of retirement-savings products such as variable annuities (VAs) with guaranteed benefits in the United States and Japan—and the ability of these products to stand up to intense market volatility, as we saw in September and October of 2008—has caught the attention of insurance companies and policyholders in the global market.
20 May 2008 - by Rikiya Ino, Wade Matterson, Peter H. Sun
A survey reports the results of financial risk management techniques born out of the last period of intense market volatility in late 2001 that have weathered their first big, real-world test.
20 May 2008 - by Rikiya Ino, Wade Matterson, Peter H. Sun
14 December 2006 - by Gary Finkelstein, Takanori Hoshino, Rikiya Ino, Ed Morgan
This report endeavors to answer questions as well as to look at a few illustrative cases of how economic capital can be practically applied. The report will help decision-makers formulate an approach to economic capital that will align with their larger corporate strategies.