Philip Simpson
Principal and Consulting Actuary
London, UK
Philip is a principal and consulting actuary in the London office of Milliman.
Philip specializes in life insurance. His consulting assignments include mergers and acquisitions, company reconstructions, new company launches, product design and pricing, and financial reporting.
Prior to being a consultant, Philip worked in reinsurance, where his experience included design and review of reinsurance programs and a wide range of life and health insurance products.
Professional Designations
- Fellow, Institute of Actuaries
- Associate, Society of Actuaries
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries in Ireland
- BSc, Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, St Andrews University, Scotland
- MBA (Edinburgh Business School) specializing in Financial Risk Management
- Member of the Life Insurance Committee and Public Relations Committee of the Association of Consulting Actuaries
- Co-author of a number of actuarial papers
Read their latest work
02 February 2021 - by Neil Christy, Jack Huffer, Russell Osman, Philip Simpson, Russell Ward
本稿では、新たな国際的な保険資本基準(Insurance Capital Standard、ICS)によって影響を受ける可能性があるのは誰か、また保有資本および必要資本の評価に対して新たな基準が持つ影響について検討します。
The Insurance Capital Standard (ICS): Not Just a Sideshow
02 February 2021 - by Neil Christy, Jack Huffer, Russell Osman, Philip Simpson, Russell Ward
This note considers who may be affected by the new international Insurance Capital Standard and the impact the new standard has on the evaluation of available and required capital.
24 November 2020 - by David Burston, Charlie Howell, Andrew Gilchrist, Philip Simpson
Artificial Intelligence: The ethical use of AI in the life insurance sector
24 November 2020 - by David Burston, Charlie Howell, Andrew Gilchrist, Philip Simpson
Life insurance has a data-fuelled business model that makes it an industry that appears, on the surface, to be well primed for the technological advances that artificial intelligence can offer in addressing the challenges it faces in an increasingly digital world.
Shareholder Value Reporting in Europe Year-End 2018
07 January 2020 - by David Burston, Stuart Reynolds, Philip Simpson, Lyndsay Wrobel
This publication focusses on assessing various shareholder metrics as at year-end 2018, based on publicly disclosed information, that could be used by interested parties - such as investors or market analysts - to form a view on the profitability of a firm’s business.
30 December 2018 - by Stuart Reynolds, Philip Simpson, Lyndsay Wrobel
Shareholder value reporting in Europe: Year-end 2017
30 December 2018 - by Stuart Reynolds, Philip Simpson, Lyndsay Wrobel
This publication focuses on European embedded value results at year-end 2017.
Part VII transfers and the FCA’s approach to the review
27 December 2017 - by Christopher Clarke, Andrew Gilchrist, Philip Simpson, Lindsay Unwin
What involvement does the Financial Conduct Authority have in Part VII transfers and what are its current expectations?
IFRS 17:リスク調整 (英語版のみ)
07 December 2017 - by Thomas Bulpitt, Andrew Gilchrist, Andrew Kay, Philip Simpson
本稿では、IFRS 17の一般モデルにおける履行キャッシュフローの一部であるリスク調整の計算手法の選択に焦点を当てます。
IFRS 17: Risk Adjustment
07 December 2017 - by Thomas Bulpitt, Andrew Gilchrist, Andrew Kay, Philip Simpson
This paper focuses on the choice of calculation methodology for the Risk Adjustment that forms part of the Fulfilment Cash Flows under the General Model in IFRS 17.