Ricardo Trachtman
Consulting Actuary & Principal
Chicago, IL, US
Ricky Trachtman is a principal and consulting actuary in the Milliman Buffalo Grove office. He joined the firm in 2002. He primarily works with clients to help design and price a wide variety of annuity and life insurance products.
Ricky has experience in the life insurance industry, with a focus in the area of product development. He has assisted in the development of a wide range of life and annuity products. His recent projects include the following:
- Pricing RILAs major competitors in that space with and without GLWBs
- Modeling RILAs under statutory and GAAP accounting for various purposes, including valuation and financial planning
- Pricing and extensive product development for fixed-index annuities including the development of new features to help differentiate products in that space, guaranteed living benefit riders, long-term care enhancement riders, guaranteed death benefit riders, innovative crediting strategies, crediting, and premium bonuses.
- Modeling FIAs under GAAP and Statutory accounting for various purposes, such as financial planning, deterministic and stochastic pricing, appraisals, and valuation
- Pricing and modelling variable annuities with guaranteed living benefit riders, death benefit riders, and accumulation benefit riders
- Developing tools to help visualize and improve understanding of pricing results under deterministic and stochastic environments
- Developing efficient financial and pricing projection models in various platforms, including Integrate®
Professional Designations
- Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
- Member of the American Academy of Actuaries
- Member of the Life Product Committee from the American Academy of Actuaries
- Member of the Annuity and Reserves & Capital subcommittee at the Academy working on VM-22
- Chair of the practice note working group for VM-22
- Degree in Actuarial Science from Roosevelt University
Read their latest work
変額年金以外の年金に対するPrinciple Based Reserving(VM-22)に関する最新情報
10 May 2024 - by Yan Fridman, Zi Xiang Low, Zohair Motiwalla, Ricardo Trachtman, Karthik Yadatore
Current state of principle-based reserving for non-variable annuities (VM-22)
10 May 2024 - by Yan Fridman, Zi Xiang Low, Zohair Motiwalla, Ricardo Trachtman, Karthik Yadatore
We look at the key elements of a principle-based-reserving framework for statutory reserving, known as “VM-22” and under review by NAIC.
Milliman Fixed Indexed Annuity and Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity lapse experience study
29 February 2024 - by Yan Fridman, Ben Johnson, Ricardo Trachtman, Nathan Wilbanks, Karthik Yadatore
We conducted a survey of 13 Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA) and Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity (MYGA) writers on several aspects of dynamic adjustments to base lapse rates due to differences between their current and perceived market or competitor crediting rates.
29 February 2024 - by Yan Fridman, Ben Johnson, Ricardo Trachtman, Nathan Wilbanks, Karthik Yadatore
ミリマンは、指数連動型定額年金(Fixed Indexed Annuity、FIA)および複数年保証年金(Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity、MYGA)の引受会社13社を対象に、現在の付与利率と、市場想定利率または競合他社の付与利率との違いによる基本の解約失効率の動的調整について、複数の側面から調査を実施しました。
31 January 2023 - by Fiona Ng, Jordan Rosenfeld, Ricardo Trachtman, Karthik Yadatore
Registered index-linked annuity cap-setting methodologies
31 January 2023 - by Fiona Ng, Jordan Rosenfeld, Ricardo Trachtman, Karthik Yadatore
We examine the long-term impacts of carriers holding the cap-setting methods fixed over time, versus switching between RILA cap-setting methods.