Jason Clarkson
Principal and Senior Consulting Actuary
Indianapolis, IN, US
Jason Clarkson is a principal and consulting actuary with the Health practice in the Indianapolis office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 2012.
Jason provides consulting services to state Medicaid agencies related to capitation rate development, financial forecasting, Section 1115 Demonstration Waivers, prescription drug modeling, and other fiscal analyses. His work has also included state health insurance exchange analyses, healthcare reform financial projections, and commercial health insurance rate filings. Additionally, he has assessed the financial impact of numerous policy and program changes, including the Affordable Care Act. His experience includes benefit modeling, product development, trend analyses, and pricing.
Professional Designations
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- BS, Actuarial Science Honors and Statistics, Purdue University
Read their latest work
Healthcare costs in a presidential election year
07 October 2024 - by Deana Bell, David M. Liner, Jason Clarkson
Authors of the Milliman Medical Index discuss what’s driving healthcare costs for American families on employer-sponsored insurance.
2024 Milliman Medical Index
21 May 2024 - by Deana Bell, Jason Clarkson, Mike Gaal, David M. Liner, Annie Man, Andrew L. Naugle
In 2024, the estimated cost of healthcare for a family of four in an employer-sponsored health plan is $32,066, according to the Milliman Medical Index (MMI).
State-directed payment considerations for the CMS Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality proposed rulemaking
12 May 2023 - by Ben Mori, Amanda Schipp, Jason Clarkson, Carmen Laudenschlager, Luke B.G. Roth
We review the essentials for states to consider regarding the proposed changes by CMS for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access.
State considerations regarding Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation proposed by CMS
07 January 2020 - by Ben Mori, Tyler Schulze, Jason Clarkson
This paper contains a summary of the key elements of the Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation’s proposed changes to supplemental payments that may be relevant to state Medicaid agencies.
Summary of individual market enrollment and Affordable Care Act subsidies
26 November 2019 - by Jason Clarkson, Zachary Fohl, Paul R. Houchens
These state profiles summarize insurer financials, marketplace enrollment, and federal assistance provided to households purchasing insurance coverage through the insurance marketplaces, incorporating recently released data from the 2019 open enrollment period and estimated 2019 effectuated enrollment.
Commercial health insurance: Detailed 2017 financial results and emerging 2018 trends
07 May 2019 - by Jason Clarkson, Paul R. Houchens, Jason Melek
This report provides a detailed review of the commercial health insurance industry’s financial results for 2017 and evaluates changes in the market’s expense structure and enrollment relative to prior years.
民間健康保険:2017年財務結果詳細と2018年のトレンド (英語版のみ)
07 May 2019 - by Jason Clarkson, Paul R. Houchens, Jason Melek
Approved Medicaid State Directed Payments: How States are Using §438.6(c) “Preprints” to Respond to the Managed Care Final Rule
30 October 2018 - by James Pettersson, Ben Mori, Luke B.G. Roth, Jason Clarkson
This paper provides a background on state directed payment arrangements based on our review of §438.6(c) “Preprints” and supporting documentation for arrangements approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as of August 15, 2018.
2018 summary of individual market enrollment and Affordable Care Act subsidies
31 July 2018 - by Jason Clarkson, Zachary Fohl, Paul R. Houchens
A profile of the individual health insurance market for each state and the District of Columbia, summarizing insurer financials, marketplace enrollment, and federal assistance provided to households purchasing insurance coverage through the insurance marketplace, incorporating recently released data from the 2018 open enrollment period.
Commercial health insurance: Overview of 2016 financial results and emerging enrollment and premium data
17 May 2018 - by Jason Clarkson, Paul R. Houchens, Jason Melek
This report provides a detailed review of the commercial health insurance industry’s financial results in 2016 and evaluates changes in the market’s expense structure and enrollment prior to relative years.