Laura Witting
Laura Witting is a manager in the Vienna office of Milliman. She joined the firm in August 2022.
Her consulting activities include, among others:
- Non-Life-Reserving
- Non-Life-Pricing
- Solvency II
- IFRS 17
- Benchmark analysis for Pricing
Before joining Milliman, Laura worked three years as an actuarial consultant at EY. In particular, she worked on the following tasks:
- Acting as project manager for the Audit of Technical Provisions and UW Risk
- Implementing a Non-Life Reserving Tool using R
- Reviewing Non-Life UW Risk of an internal model
- Performing modelling, reserving, and analysis of Health insurance using R
- Conducting a portfolio valuation of a Life insurance (Due Diligence)
- Performing actuarial testing in life insurance migration
- Auditing pension provisions
Before, she was six years with Allianz in different actuarial roles, mainly in health insurance. In particular, she worked on the following tasks:
- Actuarial Modeling of Solvency II reserves and risk capital using MoSes and RAFM
- Implementation of ALM
- Implementation of IFRS 17
Professional Designations
- Qualified actuary of the the Actuarial Association of Austria (AVÖ)
- Master in Actuarial Mathematics, Technical University of Vienna
- Semester abroad Master of Science Quantitative Finance, Politecnico di Milano
Read their latest work
Extreme weather in Europe 2023
09 April 2024 - by Anandi Shah, Mohamed Benkhalfa, Ian Penfold, Francesco Pugassi, Menno van Wijk, Niccolò Basetti Sani Vettori, Antoine Rainaud, José Silveiro, Diana Dodu, Valerie Lampert, Laura Witting, Monika Lis, Arije Amara
Analysing the impact of droughts, floods, and other 2023 extreme weather events in Europe to help insurers manage the risks posed by climate change.
ESG ratings in the context of health insurance and health topics in the European market
15 May 2023 - by Ida Bindea, Laura Witting
Health-related issues are growing more important for the ESG rating process, which can also affect the financial stability of health insurers.