Insurance Solutions
Financial reporting
Success by the numbers
Evolving regulatory and financial reporting standards are challenging to interpret and implement. Milliman provides end-to-end support for Solvency II, IFRS, US GAAP, and LDTI. With decades of experience, we have the historical understanding, agency relationships, and tools and expertise to streamline and improve compliance.
Milliman financial reporting solutions
Financial projections and reporting
Accurate, actionable financial projections and reporting require sophisticated modelling tools and expertise in regulatory environments across the globe. We design and customise financial projection tools that help you understand the impact of pending changes on reserves and capital. With a clear, independent analysis of your financial situation and capital requirements, you can make strategic decisions built on top-quality projections.
IFRS reporting
Our sophisticated stochastic modelling tools can help calculate items such as discounting, risk margins, and the correlation between different lines of business for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the latest IFRS accounting standards. We communicate concepts in a clear, concise, and informative manner so you can act on the information.
Solvency II
The EU Solvency II directive affects all operations that are at the heart of the insurance business: pricing, underwriting, assessment, risk management, assets management, internal and external reporting, and more. We are one of the world’s leading experts on Solvency II and approach these issues in a holistic fashion, helping you go beyond the basics and use modern modelling approaches to improve your business.
Milliman financial reporting insight
Milliman financial reporting products
Solvency II Compliance Assessment Tool
Milliman financial reporting services
IFRS 保険契約に関するコンサルティング
Milliman Managed Risk Strategy
Solvency II
Manage Solvency II implementation across pricing, underwriting, risk management, reporting, and more.