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Annual Report

Global Life and Health Insurance Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

ByIan Humphries, Sam Burgess, Katie Nelson, Tubin Wang, Candace Wang, John Gakuya, and Stuart Reynolds
3 August 2023

In 2022, life and health insurance transaction activity was down sharply. Our research points to the likely causes and projects the landscape for future life and health insurance transaction activity, with consideration of demand from traditional insurers, private equity investors, and other key players in the market.

See mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by country, and more deal data

We present the highlights of our analysis below. Download the full report for more details, including a country-by-country breakdown of deal specifics, key players, and a future outlook.

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Worldwide statistics: Life and health insurance mergers and acquisitions

Life and health insurers saw significantly less M&A activity in 2022 than the year before. High inflation, geopolitical conflict, and other pressures likely inspired caution among buyers and sellers, although some decline in activity was likely after a busy 2021.

Globally, there were 122 deals announced in 2022, versus 171 in 2021. Total publicly announced deal values were US$19.8 billion in 2022, down from US$70.7 billion in 2021.

arrow-down 29%

Total reported global deal volume in 2022

arrow-up-blue 72%

Total reported global deal value in 2022

map north america

North America



arrow-down from 57 in 2021

Total publicly announced transaction value

$2.7 billion

arrow-down from $37.2 billion in 2021

map europe




arrow-down from 51 in 2021

Total publicly announced transaction value

$12.7 billion

arrow-down from $14.9 billion in 2021

map asia




arrow-down from 34 in 2021

Total publicly announced transaction value

$1.7 billion

arrow-down from $15.9 billion in 2021

Announced transactions by region

North America

Private equity drives insurance M&A in U.S., Bermuda

Private equity firms and asset managers have continued to expand their presence in the North American life and health insurance M&A market. But rising interest rates, economic volatility, and regulatory uncertainty likely impeded overall transaction activity in 2022.

Although the most life and health insurance M&A transactions were completed in the United States, Bermuda led in publicly announced deal values.

See the full report for key transactions in the U.S. and other details.

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Top deal-making countries in the region in 2022:

United States


Bank consolidations in Spain and Italy trigger M&A in Europe

In 2022, Europe had:

2 out of 4

global deals exceeding $1 billion

4 out of 7

global deals exceeding $500 million

$0.6 billion

average deal value

Bancassurance transactions drove market activity in Spain and Italy, which reported the most insurance M&A transactions in Europe last year.

Overall, the region continued to see the general decline in M&A activity it has experienced since 2017. However, it dominated the globe with the largest reported deals in 2022 and overtook North America for the largest average deal value.

See the full report for key transactions in the U.K., Italy, Spain and Portugal, France, CEE, Belgium and Luxembourg, Germany, and the Netherlands.

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Top deal-making countries in the region in 2022:



Higher foreign investment caps encourage M&A in China, India

Although the value of insurance M&A transactions declined 89% in Asia from the year before, the number of deals fell only 14% in 2022—the smallest decline of any region.

Many Asian markets avoided the rising inflation and interest rates experienced in North America and Europe. In addition, recent increases in foreign investment caps spurred activity in China and India, which led the region's deals. Relaxing regulations also stoked private equity demand in some countries.

See the full report for key transactions in China, Hong Kong, India, and Singapore.

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Top deal-making countries in the region in 2022:


Life and health insurance M&A

Download the PDF to see more specific data on health and life insurance mergers and acquisitions around the world.

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Sam Burgess

Tubin Wang

Candace Wang

John Gakuya

Stuart Reynolds

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