Captives & alternative markets
Alternatives without compromise
When you own risk, managing it well is your top priority. Milliman helps self-insureds, captive insurers, risk pools with loss and expense liabilities, risk retention alternatives, pricing and funding, financial modeling, and claims management. Our consultants are experts in this specialized field and bring the data and experience required to help you succeed.
Milliman captives & alternative markets solutions
Loss and expense liabilities
We provide independent evaluations of loss and loss adjustment expense liabilities, statements of opinion regarding adequacy of reserves for insurance regulatory and other reporting purposes, and reviews of internal procedures and assumptions.
Risk retention alternatives
We assist in evaluating captive carrier feasibility and assistance in evaluating the benefits, costs, and risks of alternative retention limits. We also evaluate commercial insurance proposals and provide information for use in negotiating insurance prices.
Pricing and funding
We prepare actuarial feasibility studies for internal and regulatory purposes, evaluate funding requirements corresponding to targeted probability levels, evaluate the impact of potential loss variances on funding, and allocate premiums for commercial insurance and/or self-insurance funding among departments.
Financial modeling
We do pro forma projections, which include income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow. We provide sensitivity analysis, including various trend and loss scenarios.
Claims Management
We assess and develop loss and loss expense control, audit claim files, and provide independent evaluation of claim service providers. We also analyze case reserves and practices and assess operational design and effectiveness analysis, including various trend and loss scenarios.
Milliman captives & alternative markets insight
Milliman captives & alternative markets products
Analyze a wide range of claims data to identify those likely to incur high costs, helping optimize management and reduce costs.
Milliman M-PIRe
A comprehensive platform to evaluate mortgage investment opportunities, trends in the market, and portfolio aggregation.
Milliman captives & alternative markets services
Beurteilen Sie die Kapitalanforderungen unter einer Vielzahl von Rahmenbedingungen und erhalten Sie eine effektive strategische Beratung für das Kapitalmanagement.
Verbessern Sie Ihre Eigenversicherungslösung mit Alternativen zum Risikoselbstbehalt, Preisgestaltung und Finanzierung, Finanzmodellierung und Schadensmanagement.
Katastrophenrückstellung und Überprüfung von Schadensreserven
Prüfen Sie die Auswirkungen möglicher Großereignisse auf Ihr Portfolio, einschließlich der Analyse von Carve-Outs für verlustgefährdete Verträge.
Senken Sie die Kosten für Schäden und Schadenregulierungskosten, erhalten Sie Unterstützung bei Rechtsstreitigkeiten und verbessern Sie die Schadensbearbeitung.
Modellierung des ökonomischen Kapitals
Nutzen Sie Ihr Kapital effizienter zur Absicherung gegen finanzielle Risiken und zur Erfüllung der wachsenden Rating- und Regulierungsanforderungen.
Unternehmensrisikomanagement (ERM)
Integrieren Sie bewährte ERM-Praktiken in Ihrem Unternehmen, um einen strukturierten und nachhaltigen Unternehmensführungsprozess zu schaffen.
Mergers & acquisitions
Succeed with purchase and divestment of healthcare and insurance assets, whether a single line of business or an entire company.
Predictive analytics solutions
Uncover valuable information hidden in your data, allowing you to take action on key business insight.
Regulatory assistance and model reviews
Get help with the actuarial aspects of financial exams, rate filing, and model reviews related to catastrophic risk.
Retention analysis
Measure risk appetite and market rates and understand regulatory constraints for a strategic approach to risk retention.
Workers compensation
Develop customized workers’ comp solutions that save time and money with state-specific data and expertise.