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2019 press releases

Press releases

News from Milliman

  • Milliman study: Steady Embedded Value (EV) growth story among Asia insurers in the first half of 2019 

    23 December 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released its ‘2019 Mid-Year Embedded Value Results: Asia’ report. This update supplements the ‘2018 Embedded Value Results: Asia’ report, released in September 2019 and includes 2019 mid-year results posted by Asian insurers.

  • Funded ratio for 100 largest U.S. public pensions climbs to 73.4%, according to Milliman estimates

    23 December 2019

    Seattle - Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its 2019 Public Pension Funding Study (PPFS), which analyzes funding levels of the nation’s 100 largest public pension plans, including an independent assessment on the expected real return of each plan’s investments.

  • Milliman analysis: Corporate pension funding rises by $15 billion in November  

    5 December 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. During November, the funded ratio for these plans rose slightly, from 86.1% to 86.8%, while the funded status deficit improved by $15 billion.

  • Individual disability income (IDI) market reports modest overall growth, according to Milliman

    26 November 2019

    Seattle - Individual disability income (IDI) market reports modest overall growth, according to Milliman 15 IDI market leaders record combined 2018 new premium sales of $401 million, growth rate of 1.5%

  • MBW International announces new partner to further enhance global services  

    18 November 2019

    London – In response to client demand, MBW International, the leading independent alternative to the big three consulting firms for global pensions and employee benefits advice, has announced the addition of a third partner, Lurse. The organisation will become MBWL International with immediate effect.

  • Milliman analysis: Corporate pension funding rises by $11 billion in October  

    07 November 2019

    Seattle - Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. During October, the funded ratio for these plans rose slightly, from 85.4% to 86.1%, while the funded status deficit improved by $11 billion.

  • Milliman analysis: Default risk for government-backed mortgages decreases in 2019 Q2 as low interest rates spur borrowers to refinance  

    30 October 2019

    Seattle – Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced the second quarter 2019 results of the Milliman Mortgage Default Index (MMDI), which shows the latest monthly estimate of the lifetime default risk of U.S.-backed mortgages. The goal of the MMDI is to provide a benchmark to understand trends in U.S. mortgage risk.

  • Milliman MedInsight Launches New MedInsight Provider Solution 

    22 October 2019

    Seattle – MedInsight, Milliman, Inc.’s highly regarded platform for data warehousing and healthcare analytics, recently launched the newest release of its flagship product, the MedInsight Solutions. The newest release, called the MedInsight Provider Solution, was created in order to better serve and understand the performance of MedInsight’s over 100 providers.

  • Milliman hires Garry Simmons to drive growth in its Health and Group Benefits Consulting segment

    02 October 2019

    Milliman, Inc., one of the premier global consulting and actuarial firms, today announced the appointment of Garry C. Simmons as Director of Business Development for Health and Group Benefits Consulting Services.

  • Milliman analysis: August’s discount rate hits PFI record-low as corporate pension funding drops by $87 billion

    05 September 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In August, the PFI monthly discount rate dropped by 42 basis points to 2.95%, the lowest ever recorded in the 19-year history of the index. Until August, the Milliman 100 PFI had never reported a discount rate below 3.00%.

  • Milliman awards 16 Opportunity Scholarships in the program’s third year

    13 August 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Opportunity Scholarship program. This scholarship program, now in its third year, was created to assist students from ethnic groups and races that are under-represented in the fields of actuarial science, data science, computer science, economics, programming, mathematics, statistics, data analytics, or finance.

  • Milliman analysis: July’s corporate pension funding deficit largest seen in 2019 as discount rates drop

    08 August 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In July, the Milliman 100 PFI deficit hit a year-to-date high, swelling from $205 billion to $216 billion, the result of a decrease in the benchmark corporate bond interest rates used to value pension liabilities. The monthly discount rate during July dropped by eight basis points, to 3.37%, making it the third lowest discount rate in the 19-year history of the Milliman 100 Pension Funding Index, with discount rates lower only in July and August of 2016.

  • Milliman Medical Index: Healthcare costs reach $6,348 for the average American, $28,386 for hypothetical family of four

    25 July 2019

    Healthcare costs reach $6,348 for the average American, $28,386 for hypothetical family of four.

  • Jackie O’Connor joins Milliman’s EB Admin sales team

    16 July 2019

    Milliman, a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced that Jackie O’Connor, AIF® joins our Employee Benefits Administration sales and marketing team as a Regional Sales Manager for the Western territory.

  • Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced the results of its annual comprehensive study of universal life (UL) and indexed universal life (IUL) issues.

    10 July 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced the results of its annual comprehensive study of universal life (UL) and indexed universal life (IUL) issues.

  • Milliman analysis: Corporate pension funding inches up in June despite low interest rate environment

    08 July 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In June, these pensions experienced a $1 billion increase in funded status, as superior asset growth was able to offset rising pension liabilities due to a decrease in the benchmark corporate bond interest rates used to value those liabilities.

  • Milliman analysis: Corporate pension funding plummets by $65 billion in May

    12 June 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In May, these pensions experienced a $65 billion decrease in funded status, a precipitous drop that resulted from poor investment returns and a decrease in the benchmark corporate bond interest rates used to value pension liabilities. May saw a negative 0.74% investment return, resulting in a $15 billion decrease to the market value of assets for PFI plans. Discount rates also dropped in May, declining 24 basis points from 3.85% at the end of April to 3.61% as of May 31. Pension liabilities grew by $50 billion as a result. The funding ratio of the Milliman 100 PFI during May plummeted from 91.4% down to 87.9%.

  • Public pension assets rebound by 7.34% in Q1 2019, funding improves by $185 billion

    28 May 2019

    Public pension assets rebound by 7.34% in Q1 2019, funding improves by $185 billion Milliman PPFI funded ratio jumps from 67.2% at the end of December to 71.0% as of March 31

  • Public pension assets rebound by 7.34% in Q1 2019, funding improves by $185 billion

    28 May 2019

    Public pension assets rebound by 7.34% in Q1 2019, funding improves by $185 billion Milliman PPFI funded ratio jumps from 67.2% at the end of December to 71.0% as of March 31.

  • Milliman analysis: Funding for corporate pensions improves by $29 billion in April

    09 May 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In April, these pensions experienced a $29 billion increase in funded status thanks to healthy investment gains and an increase in the benchmark corporate bond interest rates used to value pension liabilities. The market value of assets rose by $13 billion thanks to April’s robust investment gain of 1.09%. Discount rates also climbed in April, increasing seven basis points from 3.78% at the end of March to 3.85% as of April 30. Pension liabilities dropped by $16 billion as a result. The funding ratio of the Milliman 100 PFI during April rose from 89.7% to 91.4%.

  • Milliman hires Radhika Philip to expand its global higher education consulting and administration practice

    24 April 2019

    Milliman, Inc., one of the premier global consulting and actuarial firms, today announced the appointment of Radhika Philip as Managing Director, People Strategy and HR Transformation, for the firm’s Global Higher Education (GHE) practice. She joins Gary Setterberg, Senior Managing Director – Global Higher Education as part of the multidisciplinary practice dedicated to providing employee benefit and human capital advisory and strategic consulting services to higher education and academic medical system clients.

  • Milliman analysis: Corporate pension funding ratio climbs to 87.1% at 2018 year-end despite worst asset performance in a decade

    16 April 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its 2019 Corporate Pension Funding Study (PFS), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. Employers in Milliman’s PFS continued last year’s trend of large pension contributions, adding $57.5 billion in funds to their pensions in 2018. This year saw three of the top ten largest contributions in the history of the PFS, from AT&T ($9.3 billion, second-largest in PFS history), General Electric ($6.8 billion, 4th largest), and Lockheed Martin Corporation ($5 billion). Employer contributions have totaled nearly $120 billion over the last two years, exceeding any two-year period in our study’s history. With that said, contribution levels are expected to decrease in fiscal year 2019.

  • Milliman and its clients recognized by PLANSPONSOR for outstanding benefits administration service

    15 April 2019

    Milliman, Inc., one of the premier actuarial, consulting, and benefits administration firms, is pleased to announce that both the firm and two of its benefits administration clients have recently been recognized by PLANSPONSOR as part of their annual awards for excellence.

  • Milliman named verification agent for first time ever insurance-linked securities instrument governed by French law

    15 April 2019

    Milliman a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, has been appointed as the verification agent for France’s first reinsurance sidecar, named 157 Re 19. This compartment of the Mutual Securitisation Fund bearing insurance risks (fonds commun de titrisation à compartiments supportant des risques d’assurance) known as “FCT 157 Re“ assumes a 25% quota share of CCR Re’s worldwide property catastrophe portfolio and will provide CCR Re with Solvency II regulatory credit.

  • New Milliman study reveals favorable results for life/annuity and LTC combination products

    21 March 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, announces the results of a first-of-its-kind, industry-wide study that examines insurers’ experience with combination products – those that couple life or annuity policies with Long-Term Care (LTC) or Chronic Illness (CI) riders.

  • Milliman analysis: February’s investment gains propel corporate pension funding ratio to 92.6%

    11 March 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In February, these pensions experienced a $20 billion increase in funded status thanks to healthy investment gains and an increase in the benchmark corporate bond interest rates used to value pension liabilities. The market value of assets rose by $15 billion as a result of February’s robust investment gain of 1.24%. Pension liabilities also fell to $1.648 trillion at the end of the month, the result of a two basis point increase in the monthly discount rate. The PFI deficit has dropped by $45 billion in the first two months of 2019. The funding ratio of the Milliman 100 PFI rose from 91.4% at the end of January to 92.6% as of February 28.

  • Milliman announces $750,000 gift to The Actuarial Foundation’s Math Motivators program

    21 February 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced that Milliman has enhanced its commitment to The Actuarial Foundation’s Math Motivators tutoring program with a three-year, $750,000 gift. The donation was made possible by the Milliman Giving Fund and was raised entirely through donations from employees and alumni.

  • Public pension assets plummet in 2018 Q4, experiencing largest quarterly losses in two years

    15 February 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the 2018 fourth quarter results of its Public Pension Funding Index (PPFI), which consists of the nation’s 100 largest public defined benefit pension plans. In 2018 Q4, these plans experienced a $306 billion loss in funding, largely due to a disappointing quarterly investment return of -6.39% in aggregate. This marks the largest quarterly funding decrease since the PPFI began in September 2016. Estimated investment returns for plans in Q4 ranged from a low of -10.27% to a high of -2.18%. As a result, the funding ratio of the Milliman PPFI dropped from 72.9% at the end of September to 67.2% as of December 31.

  • Milliman analysis: Corporate pensions’ funding status boosted by January investment gains, funding ratio at 91%

    08 February 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In January, these pensions experienced a $19 billion increase in funded status thanks to healthy investment gains. In fact, January’s asset return of 3.35% was greater than any prior monthly asset return in 2018. The funding ratio for the Milliman 100 PFI plans rose from 89.7% at the end of December to 91.0% as of January 31, and the funding status deficit narrowed from $167 billion to $148 billion during the same time period.

  • Milliman expands teams in Isle of Man

    08 February 2019

    Milliman, a leading global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced the hiring of senior insurance consultant Robert Frize to lead Milliman’s new practice in the Isle of Man. Frize, who will operate from his base on the Isle of Man, will further expand Milliman’s growing presence in Europe.

  • Milliman actuary named first ever US-based Independent Expert after Oklahoma passes Insurance Business Transfer Act

    07 February 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced that Stephen DiCenso, FCAS, MAAA, has been appointed as the country’s first Independent Expert (IE) following the passage of Oklahoma’s Insurance Business Transfer Act. Effective as of November 1, 2018, the Insurance Business Transfer Act is the broadest legislation of its kind to-date in the United States.

  • Milliman wins two InsuranceERM awards with latest European insurtech offerings

    05 February 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, is pleased to announce that it has won two 2018-2019 InsuranceERM Awards for the firm’s insurtech offerings. Milliman Mind, a cloud-based platform which automatically converts Excel spreadsheets to more powerful models, was named “Best end-user computing risk management solution,” while the Milliman Economic Scenario Generator, a cloud-based ESG web application, has won in the “Best ESG Software” category. Both insurtech products demonstrate the firm’s ability to solve important industry problems by pairing Milliman’s subject matter expertise with innovative thinking and solutions.

  • Milliman study finds no correlation between level of public pension benefits and health of plans’ funded status

    24 January 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its 2018 Public Pension Funding Study (PPFS), which analyzes funding levels of the nation’s 100 largest public pension plans, including an independent assessment on the expected real return of each plan’s investments.

  • The Doctors Company now using Milliman Datalytics-Defense’s innovative AI platform for its claims defense management

    15 January 2019

    Milliman, Inc., the premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced that The Doctors Company has implemented Milliman Datalytics-Defense® as its advanced analytics legal management platform for processing defense cost invoices. The choice of Datalytics-Defense puts The Doctors Company at the forefront of claims defense management, allowing the medical malpractice insurer to collaborate with defense counsel to use best practices for defense strategy through artificial intelligence and data-driven decisions. Milliman Datalytics-Defense employs powerful data mining algorithms and machine learning to help insurers and self-insureds detect patterns in attorney billing practices, delivering a better understanding of costs and case strategies.

  • Healthcare Trend Guidelines transitioning from S&P to Milliman

    14 January 2019

    Milliman, Inc., one of the premier global consulting and actuarial firms, today announced the transition of the industry’s leading healthcare cost trend indices from S&P/Dow Jones to Milliman. Since 2013, Milliman has co-developed these indices in conjunction with S&P and Health Index Advisors Inc. (HIA), a joint venture in which Milliman was a 50% shareholder. Upon transition, the indices will be re-branded to the Milliman Health Trend Guidelines. With the Health Trend Guidelines now returning to Milliman, clients will have the benefit of combining Milliman’s expertise with the best health cost trend tool available. These Guidelines are built on a database of approximately 60 million commercially-insured lives, representing about 40% of the total U.S. fee-for-service health insurance market.

  • Milliman year-end analysis: Investment losses and stagnant discount rates in Q4 derail stellar year for corporate pensions

    11 January 2019

    Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the year-end results of its latest Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. In 2018, corporate pension funding ended higher for the year, with the funding ratio climbing from 87.6% at the end of 2017 to 89.9% as of December 31, 2018. While plan assets declined by $93 billion for the year due to poor asset performance, plan liabilities also fell thanks to a discount rate increase of 66 basis points. In aggregate, these plans experienced a $56 billion improvement in funded status for the year.

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