Stuart Silverman
Principal, Consulting Actuary
New York, NY, US
Stuart is a principal and consulting actuary in the New York office of Milliman. He co-manages the Life consulting practice in New York. He joined the firm in 1999.
Stuart consults on life insurance and annuity products. Over the past several years, he has advised insurance companies, banks, hedge funds, and financial guarantors on capital market securitizations and private structured transactions relating to reserve redundancies, embedded values, and longevity risk. Stuart also has experience in reinsurance, demutualizations, asset liability management, mergers and acquisitions, market-conduct lawsuit settlements, product development, reserve valuation, and dividend determination.
- BS, Computer Science, Binghamton University, New York
Read their latest work
Considerations for new entrants to the pension risk transfer market
06 December 2024 - by Jessica Crowson, Vincent Embser, Arthur Hordijk, Christiaan Mulder, Jake Pringle, Stuart Silverman, Cornelis Slagmolen, Lin Sun
Opportunity in a growing market for pension risk transfers: We review some considerations for new entrants in the UK, US and the Netherlands.
A holistic approach to balance sheet management
28 May 2024 - by Prannoy Chaudhury, Tony Dardis, Yan Fridman, Kristen Koon, Lucy Ouyang, Stuart Silverman
Our recent interviews with life insurance executives reveal how companies are adopting innovations and adapting to pressures.
Global pension risk transfer market outlook
07 November 2023 - by Jessica Crowson, Lotte van Delft, Kevin Manning, Christiaan Mulder, Fiona Ng, Dilesh Patel, Jake Pringle, Stuart Silverman, Lin Sun
In a bustling pension risk transfer market worldwide, all stakeholders should be aware of the current environment for insurers.
How does our experience with COVID-19 impact the life insurance industry going forward?
07 June 2022 - by Stuart Silverman, Justin Li, Chelsea Wang
Insurers need to understand the potential implications of an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and consider appropriate changes in product, assumptions and capital.
How healthcare providers and insurers can better optimize investments while minimizing risk
22 January 2021 - by Matthew Emery, Howard Kahn, Devin McCall, Bill Sayre, Stuart Silverman
This paper introduces life insurance investment strategies and how many of these same concepts can be applied to healthcare insurers and providers to better manage their overall risk profiles and potentially increase future returns on investment.
Diversification of longevity and mortality risk
02 March 2016 - by Stuart Silverman, Daniel Theodore
There is real value for an insurer in performing stochastic modeling with volatile mortality assumptions when pricing, setting deterministic margins, determining economic capital, and determining its optimal mix of business.
Life ILS: 2015 year in review and looking ahead to 2016
02 March 2016 - by Steven Schreiber, Stuart Silverman
In 2015, we saw an evolution in the reserve financing structures to comply with Actuarial Guideline XLVIII (AG48), and we saw more uniformity in regulatory approvals for such AG48 financings than ever before.
A new way forward in retirement
23 February 2016 - by Wade Matterson, Stuart Silverman
This article explains the shortcomings of current solutions to generating a reliable retirement income and presents an alternative to more efficiently manage retirement wealth.
New opportunities for U.S. life insurers on pension risk transfer
14 December 2015 - by Eric Carlson, Jenny Jin, Stuart Silverman
This paper examines the current defined benefit pension risk transfer and offers potential new solutions for companies to consider.
Life ILS: 2014 year in review and looking ahead to 2015
24 February 2015 - by Steven Schreiber, Stuart Silverman
The reserve financing marketplace has evolved in response to changing market conditions since the market started over 10 years ago, and 2015 will be a watershed year.