Employer reporting
Milliman DEPTH
Manage the cost of health benefits using powerful data, in-depth analysis, and Milliman expertise
You need accurate, actionable assessment tools
Faced with rising costs, a tight labor market, and an uncertain economy, employers need tools to assess and optimize their self-funded health benefits. Although there are many solutions on the market, finding one that combines ease of use with deep insight can be challenging.
Leverage best-in-class data assets and analytics
Milliman DEPTH™ combines uniquely rich data, rigorous analytics, and actuarial expertise to measure performance and identify cost savings. First, we capture patient- and service-level medical and pharmacy utilization and spending. Then, we compare those figures to customized performance benchmarks based on more than 80 million group-covered lives. A Milliman expert in self-funded health plans translates the information into actionable recommendations, presenting them in a meeting and as a secure HTML report.
Milliman DEPTH benefits
Assess cost-management effectiveness
Track changes over time with an easy-to-read report serving as a single source of truth for cost outcomes.
Prioritize what matters for your population
Identify specific areas with the greatest potential for cost savings.
Quantify savings opportunities
Measure achievable cost savings for your health benefit program.
Reassess vendor relationships
Evaluate your carrier, third-party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, disease management vendor, point solutions, and more.
Related Insight
Services related to Milliman DEPTH
Health & group benefits consulting
Delivering independent, data-driven, innovative benefits consulting with fresh and informed perspectives to employers and plan sponsors seeking to optimize every aspect of their employee benefits program.
Retorno de la inversión en salud, bienestar y control de enfermedades
Llevamos la exigencia y objetividad que nos caracterizan a la evaluación de los programas de salud, bienestar y control de enfermedades patrocinados por el empleador.
Consultoría actuarial: Atención médica
Controle la complejidad de la estimación del riesgo financiero por atención médica con la empresa de servicios actuariales que lidera en el sector.
Consultoría en beneficios de farmacia
Elija el proveedor adecuado de administración de beneficios farmacéuticos y desarrolle planes de beneficios eficaces.
Products related to Milliman DEPTH
Adopt the healthcare industry’s leading platform for data warehousing and healthcare analytics.
Compare contracted discount rates and savings with real-time pharmaceutical claims experience reporting.
Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters
Manage Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial risk adjustment with our award-winning suite of tools and data.
Health Cost Guidelines Suite
Estimate expected claims costs and model healthcare utilization with Milliman’s Health Cost Guidelines™, an industry gold standard.
Health Cost Guidelines – Grouper
Benchmark utilization and costs by sorting claims data into Health Cost Guidelines™ (HCG) categories.