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Seeking certainty in an uncertain world

Retirement is fraught with risk, both for plan providers and beneficiaries. Asset volatility makes prediction challenging, while ever lengthening lifespans have changed the balance for most workers. We seek solutions that make retirement more secure while managing the financial difficulties involved.

A changing landscape

As the world evolves, so must retirement

As retirement plans have changed from traditional defined benefit options to modern defined contribution plans, responsibility for adequate investment has shifted from employers and employees.

Employers still offering defined benefit plans continue to seek improvements in how they fund and administer them to maintain solvency and continue providing promised benefits. In the defined contribution world, organisations hope to empower purchase events to make good investing choices, save enough for retirement, and achieve the goals they seek.

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Milliman retirement security products

Pension plan modeling and analytics
Pension modeling & analytics


Project pension assets and liabilities into the future to answer complex questions and make data-driven decisions.

Retirement asset allocation
Retirement asset allocation
Retirement asset allocation


Deploy an age-based asset allocation strategy for the core funds held within a defined contribution plan.

Pension administration and communication
Pension administration and communication
Pension administration & communication

Milliman Actuarial Retirement Calculator (MARC)

Administer defined benefit and cash balance pension plans with one of the industry's leading retirement planning and communication tools.

Pension plan management
Pension plan management
Pension plan management

Milliman Daily Pension Tracker

Monitor pension plan volatility by the day to make rapid decisions about derisking and take advantage of market shifts.

Employee communications
Employee communications
Employee communications

Milliman mobile benefits app

Boost employee engagement with benefits decisions through an easy-to-use mobile app.

Benefit plan evaluation
Benefit plan evaluation
Benefit plan evaluation

Milliman Online Total Rewards (OTTER)

OTTER allows employers to communicate employees’ personalized benefits and pay information all in one place.

Pension funding and FAS reporting tool
Pension funding and FAS reporting tool
Pension funding & FAS reporting

Pension Performance Dashboard

See how movements in capital markets affect your pension plan's financial status, with real-time updates on projected funded status, and FAS expense.


Related Milliman services

Administración de planes de beneficios definidos

Consultoría en planes de beneficios definidos

Administración de planes de contribuciones definidas

Consultoría en planes de contribuciones definidas

Servicios de planes congelados

Cumplimiento de la norma GASB75

Cobertura financiera

Educación en inversiones

Estrategia de riesgos gestionados de Milliman

Plan de ingresos sostenibles de Milliman

Servicios multipatronales

Planes no calificados

Educación de los participantes

Beneficios médicos para jubilados

Tercerización total de la jubilación

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