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Aligning incentives

After years of experimentation with new ways of paying for healthcare, what have we learned?

Alternatives only matter if they work

Many experts agree that fee-for-service payment models misalign incentives and drive up costs.

Scaling alternate payment models in the context of risk, regulation, and reality requires a willingness to experiment and a clear vision of attainable goals. At Milliman, we’re dedicated to helping the industry move forward.


Can you trust your data?

Your decisions are only as good as your data. And your data is only as good as your platform. That’s why over 300 leading healthcare organisations trust MedInsight to get the data right.


ACO Insight

Get online access to dynamic, interactive claims reports and robust benchmarks for ACOs, updated monthly.


Healthcare costs & ACOs

Accountability and costs in accountable care organisations

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Related Milliman products

Alternative payment
Alternative payment

ACO Care Management Impact Model

Model, establish, and measure medical management outcomes to achieve performance targets and make sound decisions.

ACA utilization and cost evaluation
ACO utilization & cost evaluation

ACO Insight

Get online access to dynamic, interactive claims reports and robust benchmarks for ACOs, updated monthly.

Healthcare cost modeling
Healthcare cost modeling

Health Cost Guidelines Suite

Estimate expected claims costs and model healthcare utilization with Milliman’s Health Cost Guidelines™, an industry gold standard.

Healthcare cost modeling
Healthcare cost modeling

Milliman Health Trend Guidelines

Get accurate monthly information on healthcare expenditures and utilization for individuals enrolled in U.S. commercial insurance plans.

Claims data analytics
Claims data analytics

Bundled Payment Reporting Interface

Manage episodes of care under Medicare bundled payment models using the same logic and claims data employed by CMS.


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Desarrollo de productos y fijación de precios: Atención médica

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